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I have 2 UITableViewControllers and 2 UIViewControllers containing the 2 UITableViews and they all are contained in a single UIViewController from where all the interaction happens..I load the UIViewControllers of the UITableViews on a button click
code for loading the UITableViews is this if(_isFirstTimeloadForFrien![alt text][2]dsTweets == YES) { _isFirstTimeloadForFriendsTweets = NO; [FriendsTimeLineController showFriendsTimeline]; }
and similar thing for the second UITableView where FriendsTimeLineController is an object of UITableView and this Table View is created in the respective UIViewController
My UITableViews show stuff for our server call...
All this stuff works for the first time but when the other Table Button is Clicked while the First one is Still Scrolling at that point of time Crash occurs whats the thing am I Doing Wrong Here