Coming from a web background, where explicit sizing is generally not considered best practice, I am not used to 'hardcoding' positioning values.
For example, is it perfectly acceptable to create custom UITableViewCells with hardcoded values for subviews' frames and bounds? It seems that when the user rotates the device, I'd need another set of hardcoded frames/bounds? If Apple decides to release a larger TABLET ... then I'd need yet another update to the code - it sounds strange to me in that it doesn't seem to scale well.
In my specific case, I'd like to use a cell of style UITableViewCellStyleValue2 but I need a UITextField in place of the detailTextLabel. I hate to completely write my own UITableViewCell but it does appear that in most text input examples I've found, folks are creating their own cells and hardcoded sizing values.
If that is the case, is there any way I can adhere to the predefined positioning and sizing of the aforementioned style's textLabel and detailTextLabel (ie: I'd like to replace or overlay my UITextField in place of the detailTextLabel but yet have all subview positioning stay in tact)? Just after creating a default cell, cell.textLabel.frame is returning 0 so I assume it doesn't get sized until the cell's 'layoutSubviews' gets invoked .. and obviously that is too late for what I need to do.
Hope this question makes sense. I'm just looking for 'best practice' here.