A took a look at http://erlang.org/doc/apps/inets/http%5Fclient.html and found the following:
An ordinary asynchronous request. The result will be sent to the calling process on the form {http, {ReqestId, Result}}In this case the calling process is the shell, so we receive the result.5 > {ok, RequestId} = http:request(get, {"http://www.erlang.org", []}, [], [{sync, false}]).
6 > receive {http, {RequestId, Result}} -> ok after 500 -> error end. ok
http:request passes a message to me after calling it that way, but how does it know my process id? As far as I understand, http:request has to do "Pid ! {http, {RequestId, Result}" to send the result to me, but where does it know the value of Pid?