



Does anyone think that coding can be integrated in some way with the philosophies of meditation and yoga where there is a strong focus on breathing properly and keeping your mind focused and being very aware?

It seems like a lot of time when I'm coding there are several psychological barriers for me like being irritated when I might forget to include a header file or put the wrong syntax and a compile fails.

I find that this irritation can build and cause me to lose my composure for more important coding and I make more mistakes. If there is a bug in my code, its usually when I've rushed and was under stress too.

And the programming environment I'm in is just really hectic and stressful but it doesn't have to be in my opinion.

Its such a stark contrast to life in university. After lectures you go home and do some peaceful studying and assignments - very calm and productive. Maybe that's just how I am though.

I suppose you could call it managing how you feel psychologically but I feel its more than that. I'm thinking of breathing techniques that can be used, various sitting postures in yoga.

So to combat that I plan to try out the following over several months: - be aware of my breathing (is it deep when things work or shallow when things go wrong?) - be aware of my posture in my seat (do my shoulders sag when things are not working?) - be aware when my thoughts wander and bring them back (like what am I going to do this weekend?) - be aware of my feelings and align them (panicky because you have to get the code done on time? or angry at somebody (boss)?, etc.)

People do those things naturally to some extent but is anyone consciously trying to improve themselves in this area with respect to coding and how are they doing it?

Sure you can take a meditation and yoga class but during actual coding I feel like I go back to my original habits and slump when things are not going well during coding.

There almost ought to be a book called "Programming and Meditation" which outlines how to align your breathing and thoughts during programming, especially when mistakes occur.

I can see myself by a more productive and better programmer if I could master myself in this way.

I just want to be very composed and less stressed during development and less discouraged when mistakes occur.

Then I can go home after work without feeling stressed out!

+4  A: 

Andy Hunt suggests doing some meditation in Pragmatic Thinking and Learning, and his views are well respected so you might not be totally alone on this thought. Staying even keeled, composed, and avoiding tunnel vision are always goals when debugging so you're shooting for the right things. If yoga/proper breathing techniques are what you need to stay in this frame of mind, then go for it!

Kyle Walsh
If you comment that the topic has to be community wiki, its fair to make your answer CW too ;-). But still a good answer.
Thanks for the reference. I will add that to my list of reading Kyle.
I just want to emphasize that I was suggesting doing the yoga type breathing 'during coding' not as separate activity, although that may be beneficial as well. Maybe even a certain sitting posture in yoga during coding. Maybe it will work for me or I'll just look silly but its something I'll find out I guess.
@Gamecat Yes, I will. I was more concerned with the question being closed when I thought it was an interesting question, so suggested the CW marking as a defense.
Kyle Walsh