




I'm trying to copy one or two specific files from a bunch of directories (hence why I don't want to/can't use *) from one directory to another using a batch script.

Basically I want to navigate into a "root directory" and from that list all the sub-directories using dir /AD-H /B then I want to cd into each of those directories and xcopy /y into a directory I have stored in a variable.

I've tried some examples I've found on the web, but when I've modified them they have not been able to handle the switches properly.



Look into PHP an list the directory recursively into an array, here is a Example but you would need to modify it to fit your needs

Phill Pafford

With PowerShell, you can use something like:

Get-ChildItem C:\ | ? {if ($_.PSIsContainer) {Copy-Item -include MyFile1.ABC -path $_.FullName -destination ("E:\Test\" + $_.Name) -recurse}}

Replace C:\ with the "Root Directory" to copy from and replace "E:\Test\" with the "Root Directory" to copy to (or to use an environmental variable DestX, replace "E:\Test\" with $env:DestX.

Gordon Bell