See edit at the end
I am trying to overload the + operator in C++ to allow me to add two complex numbers. (add the real and add the imaginary).
Here is my overloaded function:
ComplexNum operator+(ComplexNum x, ComplexNum y){
ComplexNum result;
result.real = (x.getReal() + y.getReal());
result.imag = (x.getImag() + y.getImag());
return result;
My Complex number constructor takes in two ints and assigned the first to int real and second to int imag.
When I try add them:
ComplexNum num1 = ComplexNum(1,1);
ComplexNum num2 = ComplexNum(2,3);
ComplexNum num3;
num3 = num1 + num2;
I get 0 as a result. The result should be 3 (the real parts of num1 and num2 added)
EDIT: I figured out what was wrong. I had .getReal() and .getImage() returning double.