I would like to check "reachability" before/when a webView is shown in my app.
So far I've included the reachbility.h/.m files as well as added the SystemConfiguration.framework to the project.
And that's about where the agreements I have found on the internet end, from all of the posts and blogs etc. etc. everyone has a different idea/opinion of what to do after that. Additionally, I have found a lot partial code snippets that aren't really a complete solution, on which reachibility methods to call etc. etc. how to use them etc.
I have also found that some warn that you should try to reconnect before checking reachability...but I haven't found a consensus or a full solution. My app seems to reconnect to wifi without any extra code... so I'm a litte confused here too...
Any help to clear the muddy waters would be appreciated. I'm just looking for a simple straightforward solution.
Answer Accepted: I would like to note to newbies who may read this q/a later... that you will want to do the following:
Add this into your .h file:
- (BOOL) connectedToNetwork: (NSString *) remoteServer;
- (void) appLoadError: (NSString *) altertTitle alertMessage: (NSString *) altertMsg;
And you will need to import these at the top of your .m file:
Correct me if it is wrong... It seems to work fine for me...