I've a program that implements a plugin system by dinamically loading a function from some plugin_name.so (as usual)
But in turn I've a static "helper" library (lets call it helper.a) whose functions are used both from the main program and the main function in the plugin. they don't have to inter-operate in any way, they are just helper functions for text manipulation and such.
This program, once started, cannot be reloaded or restarted, that's why I'm expecting to have new "helper" functionality from the plugin, not from the main program.
So my questin is.. is it possible to force this "plugin function code" in the .so to use (statically link against?) a different (perhaps newer) version of "helper" than the main program?
How could this be done? perhaps by statically linking or otherwise adding helper.a to plugin_name.so?
Thanks in advance =)!