I kept recieving error 12029 (ERROR INTERNET CANNOT CONNECT, The attempt to connect to the server failed.) when using the the MFC wininet classes on Windows Vista. The cause of the error was due to Windows Defender. Is there a better way to get around this than completely turning off Windows Defender? I tried turning off "real time protection" to no avail, I had to completely turn WD off to stop the 12029 errors.
If there is no better solution hopefully someone else with the same issue will see this question and be able to fix thier own problem. I searched the intertubes high and low and didn't find any crossreferences between wininet error 12029 and WD.
My code for reference
::CInternetSession session;
::CHttpConnection* connection = session.GetHttpConnection(L"twitter.com",80,m_csUserName,m_csPassword);
::CHttpFile* httpfile = connection->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_GET,L"/account/verify_credentials.xml");