




I'm writing an android based app wherein the app is the client and connects to a server that I will run. This server will be created using a java serverSocket and will listen at an undesignated port say 4444 for Android clients.

Basically I'm looking for a free web hosting service that will allow me to create sockets to listen at undesignated ports. Also I want to host a website which will allow PC/mobile users to login and access their information (that they sent in through their Android phone clients). I just want to demo it, so need it just for a few weeks. Please excuse me for not asking a programming based question.


A possible start is to look through this list for a freebie that will allow what you want: http://www.red-pill.eu/freeunix.shtml

My personal suggestion is to fork over the $7.49 for a month's VPS from http://www.rapidxen.net/plans.php. That will pay off in frustration saved.

I forgot to thank you for this quick answer.