




hi there!

I'm new for iPhone dev. I got a question for development of iPhone app. Is it possible to get to installed app list on iPhone device? thanks.

+1  A: 

You might want to grab yourself a copy of the Apple iPhone Configuration Utility from http://bit.ly/i0YbD which will give you a list of installed apps, plus access to the console output from the iPhone.


Apps on a non-jailbroken phone are "sandboxed" so you don't get unfettered access to the filesystem. This means that you can't directly see what other applications are available. Also, just because they're installed does not mean that they are available to the current user. For instance, Safari is always installed but can be disabled in the Parental Controls settings.

The best supported (i.e., in a way that Apple will approve of) way of of doing it might be to check the available URL schemes. For example, if "http:" is supported then Safari is usable; if "mailto:" is available then Mail is usable, etc. Of course, not all applications have URL schemes.

Stephen Darlington