Hey guys,
I have a UIImage that I'm instantiating using imageWithData: (the data is loaded from the bundle using [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:]).
I'm then drawing the image like so:
NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:fileLocation];
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];
//These lines are superfluous from what I can tell, replacing with
//UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imagedNamed:imageName]; very soon.
[myImage drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(0,0)];
//myImage will be released at the end of the run loop
My question is this: The UIImage created is autoreleased. What happens in terms of memory when the UIImage is drawn to the view and then the UIImage is deallocated out of existence. Obviously, visually, the image is still there as it has been drawn to a context.
Does the memory usage double if the UIImage is valid AND has been drawn to the view, and then return to the same amount as if only one UIImage existed after the UIImage has been deallocated?
Now going down another route.
If I used [UIImage imageNamed:] to instantiate the image, then the UIImage class has its own image cache of sorts and will only ever hold one true instance of a particular image (regardless of how many UIImage instances are created to represent that one image).
My other question is: What happens to the image in the cache if I draw it to a context and then the UIimage is released (via autorelease at the end of the run loop)? Does the image stay in the cache an consume memory? Is it removed because no other UIImage instances are using it?
Any help would be great, thanks!