Can't be done in the general case:
my $obj = Obj->new;
my $method = some_external_source();
However, it should be fairly easy to get a large number of the cases (run this program against itself):
use strict;
use warnings;
sub foo {
sub bar {
sub baz {
print "foo\n";
sub quux {
return 5;
my %calls;
while (<>) {
next unless my ($name) = /^sub (\S+)/;
while (<>) {
last if /^}/;
next unless my @funcs = /(\w+)\(/g;
push @{$calls{$name}}, @funcs;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper \%calls;
Note, this misses
- calls to functions that don't use parentheses (e.g.
print "foo\n";
- calls to functions that are dereferenced (e.g.
- calls to methods that are strings (e.g.
- calls the putt the open parenthesis on a different line
- other things I haven't thought of
It incorrectly catches
- commented functions (e.g.
- some strings (e.g.
- other things I haven't thought of
If you want a better solution than that worthless hack, it is time to start looking into PPI
, but even it will have problems with things like $obj->$method()
Just because I was bored, here is a version that uses PPI
. It only finds function calls (not method calls). It also makes no attempt to keep the names of the subroutines unique (i.e. if you call the same subroutine more than once it will show up more than once).
use strict;
use warnings;
use PPI;
use Data::Dumper;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
sub is {
my ($obj, $class) = @_;
return blessed $obj and $obj->isa($class);
my $program = PPI::Document->new(shift);
my $subs = $program->find(
sub { $_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub') and $_[1]->name }
die "no subroutines declared?" unless $subs;
for my $sub (@$subs) {
print $sub->name, "\n";
next unless my $function_calls = $sub->find(
sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement') and
$_[1]->child(0)->isa("PPI::Token::Word") and
not (
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Scheduled") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Package") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Include") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Sub") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Variable") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Compound") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Break") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Given") or
print map { "\t" . $_->child(0)->content . "\n" } @$function_calls;