in iphone application.
I'm trying to get indexPath.row value (out of didselectedrowatindexpath method) to do something on the basis of row selected in programmatically created tableview.
i need to access indexpath.row out of didselectedrowatindexpath method where if/else will define the action on the basis of indexpath.row.
there are 7 cards images in application and one [menu list]table view. whenever user will click on row of table view,then need to touch the image
I'm trying this code to get the IndexPath.row value. The problem is indexPath.row value is not updating everytime. It's just taking the old value. Please sugggest how to solve this issue.
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event
NSUInteger nSection =[myTableView numberOfSections]-1 ;
NSUInteger nRow = [myTableView numberOfRowsInSection:nSection];
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:nRow inSection:nSection];
NSLog(@"No of sections in my table view %d",nSection);
NSLog(@"No of rows in my table view %d",nRow);
NSLog(@"Value of selected indexPath Row %d", [indexPath.row]);
NSLog(@"VAlue of Array arrOperationChk %d",[arrOperationChk count]);