Hi: down to business:
I need to know whether, when a class method in C++ is called, the implicit 'this' pointer is the first argument, or the last. i.e: whether it is pushed onto the stack first or last.
In other words, I'm asking whether a class method, being called, is taken by the compiler to be:
int foo::bar(foo *const this, int arg1, int arg2);
int foo::bar(int arg1, int arg2, foo *const this);
By extension therefore, and more importantly, that would also answer whether G++ would push the this pointer last or first, respectively. I interrogated google, but I didn't find much.
And as a side note, when C++ functions are called, do they do the same thing as C functions? i.e:
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
All in all: would a class method being called look like this?
; About to call foo::bar.
push dword 0xDEADBEEF
push dword 0x2BADBABE
push dword 0x2454ABCD ; This one is the this ptr for the example.
; this code example would match up if the this ptr is the first argument.
call _ZN3foo3barEpjj
Thanks, and much obliged.
EDIT: to clarify things, I'm using GCC/G++ 4.3