




I am trying to develop a command button that would appear on windows explorer. I can do this for an NSE but what I want to do is make the button visible on every explorer window. I want it to work for windows 7 and vista. I know it is possible as I have seen office Groove do it, and I am not sure if I have to implement the IExplorer(...) interfaces or just create a simple BHO (Browser Helper Button) that is registered for windows explorer and not IE.

Any help is appreciated.

+1  A: 


I am trying to do the same thing, with no luck so far (My question).

What i did manage to learn is that "BHO is the way to go". After trying tons of different ways i found it is the simplest way to hook to all windows explorer instances.

Within your BHO code you could filter out instances of IE, but there is probably a registry way to do it also.

Good luck, and let us know if you figured it out.

thx for the answer man, however I've already skipped the whole thing and went on using a toolband as it turned out I needed more than what a single button can offer.... thx for the reply and here is an up vote for sharing.
Red Serpent