



Is there any function in cocos2d or objective c to find the time between touch began and touch ended??


In your touchesBegan:withEvent: method, create an NSDate object and store it in an instance variable. (For non-debugging purposes, create one date per touch and use CFMutableDictionary to associate the date with the touch.) Then, in touchesEnded:withEvent:, retrieve the stored date and create a new date, and send the latter a timeIntervalSinceDate: message to subtract the older date from it, giving you the result in seconds.

Peter Hosey
It's my understanding cocos2d takes care of implementing these methods and abstracts them away.
+1  A: 

Each UITouch has it's own time/date stamp. Compare the ones you're interested in. Take a looke at the UIResponder class ref.

Aside- SO needs to update their code or release an iPhone app. Typing into their javascriptoided out text fields with an iPhone is almost comical.

+7  A: 
// add this ivar to your view controller
NSTimeInterval lastTouch;

 // assign the time interval in touchesBegan:
 -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
     lastTouch = [event timestamp];

 // calculate and print interval in touchesEnded:
 -(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
 NSTimeInterval touchBeginEndInterval = [event timestamp] - lastTouch;

 NSLog(@"touchBeginEndInterval %f", touchBeginEndInterval);