



I'm trying to read binary data from a specific offset.

I write the data in the following way:

long RecordIO::writeRecord(Data *record)

    fstream::pos_type offset = file->tellp();
    file->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(record), sizeof(Data));
    return (long)offset;

The offset returned is stored, and retrieved later. Data is a struct with the data.

Later i try to read that same data again with the following code:

Data* RecordIO::getRecord(long offset)
    file->seekg((fstream::pos_type) offset);
    Data data;
    file->read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&data), sizeof(Data));
    return new Data(data);

sizeof(Data) returns 768. Some off the offsets i get back is 768 and 1536. But when I check the contents of the data, i get complete gibberish. Am i doeing something wrong? Edit:

This is the struct:

struct Data{
  long key;
  char postcode[8];
  char info1[251];
  char info2[251];
  char info3[251];

And this is how i fill it:

for(int i = 1; i <= numOfRecords; ++i){
    newData.key = i;

    newData.postcode[0] = '1' + (rand() % 8);
    newData.postcode[1] = '0' + (rand() % 9);
    newData.postcode[2] = '0' + (rand() % 9);
    newData.postcode[3] = '0' + (rand() % 9);
    newData.postcode[4] = ' ';
    newData.postcode[5] = 'A' + (rand() % 25);
    newData.postcode[6] = 'Z' - (rand() % 25);
    newData.postcode[7] = '\0';

 for(int j = 0; j < 250; ++j){
        newData.info1[j] = '+';
        newData.info2[j] = '*';
        newData.info3[j] = '-';

 newData.info1[250] = '\0';
    newData.info2[250] = '\0';
    newData.info3[250] = '\0';

    int offset = file->writeRecord(&newData);
 index->setOffset(i, offset);

Btw, the data is stored correctly, because i can retreive them one by one, sequentialy


Show us the definition of the Data structure. I suspect that Data is not a POD (plain-old-data) type and requires more specialized serialization.

Edit: Thanks. That's a POD struct, so this is not the problem.

Tyler McHenry
+3  A: 

You do this:

file->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(record), sizeof(Data));

Do you ever close or flush the file? The data will be buffered in memory to be written to disk later unless you force it.

That was the problem. It now returns the right data.