+4  A: 

The script generating options of Management Studio are just a wrapper around the SMO scripting capabilities. Simple scripts are obtained by using the Script() method on various SMO types. More complex scripts are created by the specialized Scripter class.

Command line tools can be easily created by using the SMO libraries.

Remus Rusanu
+1  A: 

The SQLPubWiz.Exe for SQL2008 R2 on my PC is located on "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Publishing\1.4"

José Augusto Guimarães

SQLPUBWIZ SCRIPT -d yourDBName -S yourServerName -U userName -P userPassword scriptFilewithPath

Download for SQL2005 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=56E5B1C5-BF17-42E0-A410-371A838E570A

José Augusto Guimarães