Let's say I have a generic Object class, and a generic List class. I want to maintain a list of these Objects. Should I store them as List<Object>
or List<Object*>
If I use List<Object>
and I have a method like:
if(some_condition) {
Object obj;
And my list class only keeps a reference to the object, so as soon as that if statement terminates, the object is destroyed, and the object I pushed becomes invalid. So then I end up doing something like:
Object *obj = new Object;
So that it doesn't get destroyed. But now the objects are undeletable, no? Because now they're stored safely in the List as Objects, not pointers to Objects, so I can't call delete on them... or will they automatically be destroyed when they're popped from the list?
In that case, I should probably use List<Object*>
and delete them from the list when I'm done with them, no?
So confused... I'm sure I have a fundamental misunderstanding here somewhere.