



Working on this question, I found an inconsistent behavior.

Why reference binding behave different in a constructor from a common function?

struct A {

struct B : public A {
  B(const B&);

void f( const B& b ) {}

int main() {
  A a( B() ); // works
  A const & a2 = B(); // C++0x: works, C++03: fails
  f( B() );  // C++0x: works, C++03: fails

I have tested it for C++03 with g++-4.1 and Comeau in strict C++03 mode and with C++0x extensions disabled. I got same results.

For C++0x was tested with g++-4.4 and Comeau 4.3.9 in relaxed mode and with C++0x extensions enabled. I got same results.

+12  A: 
A a(B());

is the declaration of a function named a returning an A and taking a pointer to a function without argument returning a B. See here. Add parenthesis and you'll get the error you expect:

A a((B()));
Famously known as "the most vexing parse".
I can't wait for the day when I could say to someone "you fell victim to the most vexing parse problem". Of course by the time that happens I'll completely forget about it and return to hating C++.
Idan K