



Is there any way populate an Access Form's text feild's value using SQL?

I have read that it is not possible to simply enter SQL as the Control Source. Is this true?

thanks for any halp :)


I need to perform this query;

SELECT tblCaseIssues.IssueDesc FROM tblCaseIssues INNER JOIN tblCaseNewHS_Issues ON tblCaseIssues.ID = tblCaseNewHS_Issues.IssueID WHERE(tblCaseNewHS_Issues.HS_ID = 81))
+2  A: 

Pretty sure that is true SQL, but you could use the function:
=DLookUp("field_name","table_name","any_fieldname = 'value'")

Jeff O
Is it possible to do something as complex asSELECT tblCaseIssues.IssueDescFROM tblCaseIssues INNER JOIN tblCaseNewHS_Issues ON tblCaseIssues.ID = tblCaseNewHS_Issues.IssueIDWHERE (tblCaseNewHS_Issues.HS_ID = 81)with such a function?
Create a query in Access where all the tables are joined. Then in your DBLookup, you can substitue table_name with the name of the query (Sorry indicating a table and assuming a query would work as well). Note: there are better ways of doing in VBA.
Jeff O
+2  A: 

You can set the control source of your field to a function name. That function can easily execute your SQL, and/or pass in a variable. Here's my simple boiler plate for a function to execute a SQL statement into a recordset and return the first value. In my world I'm usually including a very specific where clause, but you could certainly make any of this function more robust for your needs.

=fnName(sVariable, iVariable)

Public Function fnName( _
    sVariable as String, _
    iVariable as Integer _
    ) As String

On Error GoTo Err_fnName

    Dim con As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sSQL As String

    sSQL = ""

    Set con = Access.CurrentProject.Connection
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    rst.Open sSQL, con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

        If rst.BOF And rst.EOF Then

            'No records found
            'Do something!


            'Found a value, return it!
            fnName = rst(0)

        End If

    Set rst = Nothing

    Set con = Nothing


    Exit Function


    Select Case Err.Number
    Case Else
        Call ErrorLog(Err.Number, Err.Description, "fnName", "", Erl)
        GoTo Exit_fnName
    End Select

End Function
David Walker
+1  A: 

It might be easiest to use a combobox and set the Row Source to your query, alternatively, DAO is native to Access.

Private Sub Form_Current()
''Needs reference to Microsoft DAO 3.x Object Library
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strResult  As String

strSQL = "SELECT ci.IssueDesc FROM tblCaseIssues ci " _
       & "INNER JOIN tblCaseNewHS_Issues cni ON ci.ID = cni.IssueID " _
       & "WHERE cni.HS_ID = 81"

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
    Do While Not rs.EOF
        strResult = strResult & ", " & rs!IssueDesc

    strResult = Mid(strResult, 3)
    strResult = "Not found"
End If

Me.TextBoxName = strResult

End Sub
+1  A: 

Just take your sql query and save it as a query.

Then in the text box, just place:

=(dlookup(“IssuesDesc”,”name of query”))

I at a rather large loss as to all these posters suggesting whacks of code where as none is needed at all . Just save your sql as a query and then use the dlookup() function as the text box’s data source and you are done.

Albert D. Kallal
Because the first answer already suggested your solution, yet the OP was still seeking a method that he could utilize a SQL statement as the source of his query.
David Walker