
That is pretty bizarre.

When you say "every other run", how are you running the app? Build and run? Or just run?

If it is build and run, do you have any custom build phases that copy files or do any custom processing?

The backtrace indicates that is is crashing during NIB loading, specifically when it is setting an outlet. Any chance you have the wrong object as file's owner? Maybe a different code path depending on what is read from the filesystem at app launch?

build and run always
I am not doing any custom processing. I simply load a text file with some data. Nothing crazy going on. Thanks for your answer bbum
post your cellForRowAtIndexPath method
There it is: cellForRowAtIndexPath . I am using an xib to for the tableCellView.
That's exactly what it was. I had the wrong file's owner class on my state image cell xib. The file's owner had to be a UIViewController and it's view had to be set to the UITableCellView. The class of the UITableViewCell is my custom StateCell class. All of the IBOutlets come flop this class and get hooked up to the xib.
Excellent. Glad you fixed it. These kinds of errors feel like voodoo the first time you see 'em... after the 30th time, they eventually become obvious.

I am having this same problem. I have traced it to in some way copying an XIB file and reusing it under a new name. When I pushViewController:animated: it will alternate between the old XIB and the new one.

It was crashing after I changed the new XIB so that a button was no longer there. It was still alternating and would load fine every other time. When it tried to pushView the old XIB which was not referenced anywhere was trying to load and was crashing. I put back the button I had removed and it went from crashing every other time to displaying the wrong XIB every other time.

Did you copy and change an XIB? If so, put back the removed object that the XIB knows about (e.g. an IBOUTLET object) and wee if it goes from crashing every time to alternating between two XIB files.

Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to remedy the problem yet. Does anyone have any idea what is going on?

I followed this up with copying and pasting the entire project folder so that I made a duplicate of the project. I don't get the problem in the new copy. It load the correct XIB every time. I am still getting the XIB alternating bug in the original project. Very odd.