Hello people!
I was wondering where is the best place to initialize members of the singleton class.
I'm using Apple fundamental guide singleton implementation. Could you please pinpoint at what line the inits happen? The code is the following:
static MyGizmoClass *sharedGizmoManager = nil;
+ (MyGizmoClass*)sharedManager
@synchronized(self) {
if (sharedGizmoManager == nil) {
[[self alloc] init]; // assignment not done here
return sharedGizmoManager;
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
@synchronized(self) {
if (sharedGizmoManager == nil) {
sharedGizmoManager = [super allocWithZone:zone];
return sharedGizmoManager; // assignment and return on first allocation
return nil; //on subsequent allocation attempts return nil
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
return self;
- (id)retain
return self;
- (unsigned)retainCount
return UINT_MAX; //denotes an object that cannot be released
- (void)release
//do nothing
- (id)autorelease
return self;