I THINK this line is causing a 3.5K Byte memory leak, any ideas why? If it's not this line it could be how I have the webView setup in xib?? I have an outlet to the webView that I use in the line below. I get general Block 3584, 1024, and 512 leaks _CFURLCache and a NSCFArray leaks. Along with some help on this, can anyone tell me if Apple will kick this back, this is the last leaks/fixes I need to get this thing out the door.
[webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[SharedClass sharedSharedClass].usersURL]]];
Then I've used the "connectedToNetwork" method found here... connectedToNetwork Code is Over Here
And it has some memory leaks, I fixed one by adding an autorelease to the line below:
NSURLConnection *testConnection = [[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:testRequest delegate:self] autorelease];// ADDED autorelease
Any Help will be sincerely appreciated. Thanks,