just finished writing a five card poker hand evaluator in C++. now im looking for a new project about the same level of difficulty. maybe a very simple DOS command parser?
It sounds like you might be interested in the type of problems Project Euler offers. In particular, it sounds like you have a solution for Problem 54 already.
Try a calculator, one that takes a full formula, evaluates it and gives the result.
Extend your hand evaluator to have more inputs - like being able to dynamically calculate strength should it know another hands worth of cards. From there, extend further to calculate strength based on knowing N hands. With this, you're half way to a very nice poker-bot - capable of working with other instances of itself against other players.
Complete source code for Texas hold'em poker game evaluator can be found here:
It is built for matlab, the GUI id m-coded but the computational engine is c++.
It allows for odds and probability calculation. It can deal, on my 2.4Ghz laptop, with a 100000 10 players game computation in 0,3 seconds.
An accurate real time computer:-)
Are you done yet? Why not write a 7-card evaluator, first using your 5-card evaluator and then find a direct way that does not require the 21 checks per evaluation? The latter is a challenge in caching and memory management! There are many sources of inspiration to be found online -- check out Coding-The-Wheel to get started, for instance.