The following code gives a different number of destructors when compiled on GCC and vc9. AFAIK when run on vc9 i get 5 destructors showing, which I understand. The + overloaded operator is called, and two object are created, when returned a temporary object is created. This makes destruction of 3 objects possible. When the overloaded = operator is called, one object is created and again a temporary one when returned. This sums it up to five destructs, not counting the three objects created at the start of main.
But when I compile on GCC I get 3.
Which leads me to guess that there isn't a temporary object created when the function is terminated and returned ? or a question about different behavior between compilers. I simply do not know, and some clarification would be nice.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class planetCord {
double x, y, z;
planetCord() { x = y = z = 0; }
planetCord(double j, double i, double k) { x = j; y = i; z = k; }
~planetCord() { cout << "destructing\n"; }
planetCord operator+(planetCord obj);
planetCord operator=(planetCord obj);
void show();
planetCord planetCord::operator +(planetCord obj) {
planetCord temp;
temp.x = x + obj.x;
temp.y = y + obj.y;
temp.z = z + obj.z;
return temp;
planetCord planetCord::operator =(planetCord obj) {
x = obj.x;
y = obj.y;
z = obj.z;
return *this;
void planetCord::show() {
cout << "x cordinates: " << x << "\n";
cout << "y cordinates: " << y << "\n";
cout << "z cordinates: " << z << "\n\n";
int main() {
planetCord jupiter(10, 20, 30);
planetCord saturn(50, 100, 200);
planetCord somewhereDark;;;;
somewhereDark = jupiter + saturn;;;;
return 0;