



I have a directory called "project". It contains two sub-directories called "client" and "server" and a makefile called "Makefile". client and server have got source files called "client.c" and "server.c" respectively. I dont have any separate makefiles in the subdirectories for sources belonging to that directory. All making is done by a single makefile Makefile code is

FLAGS = -W -Wall -g -pthread

SERV =./server/server.c      #My server code 
CLI =./client/client.c       #My client code

build:svr cnt

svr: $(SERV) 
    cc $(FLAGS) $(SERV) -o ./server/server.out
cnt: $(CLI)
    cc $(FLAGS) $(CLI) -o ./client/client.out

Now I ran "make cnt" and it replied

cc -W -Wall -g -pthread ./client/client.c -o ./client/client.out

The problem is all the subsequent "make cnt" commands end up compiling it again and outputting the above text even though Im not changing


Im stuck here. Dont know what to do. Thanks for help.

+3  A: 

Let's formulate what you want. You want target named `cnt' not to be rebuilt. The makefile you've written knows nothing about client.out file, because it only appears in shell commands within a rule. Make program doesn't read information from shell commands, it only does substitutions there and executes them.

When makefile chooses the targets it will rebuild (`cnt' is one of these targets), it compares update time of a target file with update time of its prerequsites. Since at the time you run ``make cnt'' the file named cnt is absent, the target named so is considered as requiring update. So commands are run and yield no file named cnt, so next make run will consider it for updating as well.

There are two possible solutions. The first one is to give targets same names as of the file, that the rule commands will generate. So, you might end up like this:

client/client.out: $(CLI)
    cc $(FLAGS) $(CLI) -o ./client/client.out

Your questioin has nothing to do with directories, by the way. You should also read about .PHONY directive, use $(CC) instead of cc and read gnu make manual, which might be very helpful.

Pavel Shved
Thanks for the explanation.

Thanks for the explanation. That was the most basic thing I needed to understand.

What I want to do is with make cnt, compile the ./client/client.c and output its executable in ./client directory with make svr, compile the ./server/server.c and output its executable in ./server/ directory. and with make, compile both ./server/server.c and ./client/client.c and output their executables in their respective directories

But since I dont have any executables called svr and cnt the problem I am having isnt gonna solve. If I change the target to ./client/client.out instead of cnt and then call make ./client/client.out then it would be fine exactly what I need but I dont want to enter long command make ./client/client.out in my terminal

The workaround I have got is as follows

cnt: $(CLI)
         cc $(FLAGS) $(CLI) -o cnt
         cp cnt ./client/client.out

But not quite satisfied with it.Im sure what I want to do is really simple and there should be some convenient way around doing it. So how can I do that?

you are totally wrong. The correct solution is making .PHONY target (you have read about hem, haven't you?) cnt dependatn on client.out, like this: cnt: client.out. And then you make client.out: $(CLI) <commands> rule.
Pavel Shved
Yeah, we should just keep the action part of .PHONY targets empty and make them dependent on ./client/client.out and then ./client/client.out must be dependent upon $(CLI)

Try this:

SERVO =./server/server.out
CLIO =./client/client.out

.PHONY: srv cnt build
build: svr cnt
svr: $(SERVO)
cnt: $(CLIO)

$(SERVO) $(CLIO): %.out : %.c
    cc $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@

Now you can make srv, make cnt, or just make.
There are slightly more sophisticated things you can do, but this should be enough for now.

I am not able to follow it. I dont have much experience in making makefiles so I guess I will read the manual sometime later. Right now I will go ahead with copying cnt to my client directory.Thanks
All right, but you'll remake client.out every time, whether you really need to or not.