I have a directory called "project". It contains two sub-directories called "client" and "server" and a makefile called "Makefile". client and server have got source files called "client.c" and "server.c" respectively. I dont have any separate makefiles in the subdirectories for sources belonging to that directory. All making is done by a single makefile Makefile code is
FLAGS = -W -Wall -g -pthread
SERV =./server/server.c #My server code
CLI =./client/client.c #My client code
build:svr cnt
svr: $(SERV)
cc $(FLAGS) $(SERV) -o ./server/server.out
cnt: $(CLI)
cc $(FLAGS) $(CLI) -o ./client/client.out
Now I ran "make cnt" and it replied
cc -W -Wall -g -pthread ./client/client.c -o ./client/client.out
The problem is all the subsequent "make cnt" commands end up compiling it again and outputting the above text even though Im not changing
Im stuck here. Dont know what to do. Thanks for help.