
WPF: Bind an element to two sources

I currently have two text boxes in which accept any number. I have text block that takes the two numbers entered and calculates the average. I was wondering if there was a way I could bind this text block to both text boxes and utilize a custom converter to calculate the average? I current am catching the text changed events on both text...

MVC. Strongly-typed view difference (MVC sources vs. assembly)

I'm trying to create a strongly typed partial view <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<IEnumerable<Pt.Data.Services>>" %> <table> <% foreach (Pt.Data.Services item in Model) { Html.RenderPartial("ServiceItem",item); } %> </table> in Controller IEnumerable<...

Makefile in top level directory and sources in the subdirectories problem

I have a directory called "project". It contains two sub-directories called "client" and "server" and a makefile called "Makefile". client and server have got source files called "client.c" and "server.c" respectively. I dont have any separate makefiles in the subdirectories for sources belonging to that directory. All making is done by ...

repo sync problem

i am a beginner to android development... i was trying to get the sources for the 1.6 release... but the repo sync operation keeps hanging... i am pasting the last part of the message i get on the terminal here: Fetching projects: 19% (32/164) Initializing project platform/external/freetype ... remote: Counting objects: 970, done. remo...

Enterprise Library Logging Application Block different sources

We have many assemblies (class libraries) which our main application uses. I want to route the logs of some assemblies to different destinations, but I have one App.Config file, so how may I achieve this? I'm pretty much sure there is a setting like this in Logging Application Block which I'm unaware of. Also I want to route logs based o...

[Java] 2 instances same class

Hi everybody I created a main class which displays a frame, then two JPanel are created and pointed. It is supposed for those Jpanel to give a visual display of some values incoming via serial port. Everhing work fine..but the problem is that those panel are identical and I would need that one Japnel processes and visualizes...

Using gdb with remote sources

Hi, I'm mostly developing C++ applications with g++ on solaris 10, x64 boxes. These applications are built and deployed with symbols, but without sources on the remote site. When debugging you can then set breakpoints and inspect variables, but you have to "manually" map the reported line numbers to an editor (usually vim/gvim) where yo...

What is the best way to parse C++ class architecture in Python?

I want to parse c++ sources in Python. Namely, information about the structure of the classes. I need to construct some object in Python that should contain information about c++ class. Something like this: [namespace] function name [: parent] [constructor([parameters])] [destructor([parameters])] public methods([parameters]) private...

Need a design pattern for representing multiple information sources

I'm building a Java application that retrieves information from differing information sources. I'm using a sensor, a set of RecordStores and a few online web services. In the basic application all these resources are loaded by default. Some of these sources are directly read in a separate thread (load database, read sensor etc.). From ...

How to automatically resolve source links in Visual Studio

I'm working on the project that uses another project source (not as referenced assembly). When my colleagues are changing with big problem that I need to synchronize file structure changes in 5 projects. Please, advise me how can I synchronize this source links automatically or semi-automatically, but not making "Create directory", "Ad...

How to get sources for Grails dependencies

How can I get Ivy to download the sources for dependencies from within Grails? I tried editing all the ivy.xml files I could find as per [1], but no luck. ~/.grails/1.3.4/projects/workspace-sts/integration-files/ivy.xml /c/grails-1.3.4/src/grails/ant/ivy.xml I've been reading the grails source, and can't find any way to do this. Does...

broadcast to ICECAST from multi sources

Hi all I am trying to create an Icecast server that will be able to get multiple sources from deffrent radio stations meaning we want to broadcast from few diffrent computer with diffrent ports to a single Icecast server , and we need to have a deffrent link to each station , can anyone help ? ...