
Is PowerShell a strongly typed language?

PowerShell is definitely in the category of dynamic languages, but would it be considered strongly typed? ...

What are the key aspects of a strongly typed language?

What makes a language strongly typed? I'm looking for the most important aspects of a strongly typed language. Yesterday I asked if PowerShell was strongly typed, but no one could agree on the definition of "strongly-typed", so I'm looking to clarify the definition. Feel free to link to wikipedia or other sources, but don't just cut an...

Is there a way to make Strongly Typed Resource files public (as opposed to internal)?

Here's what I'd like to do: I want to create a library project that contains my Resource files (ie, UI Labels and whatnot). I'd like to then use the resource library both in my UI and in my Tests. (Ie, basically have a common place for my resources that I reference from multiple projects.) Unfortunately, because the StronglyTypedResou...

Compiled, strongly-typed alternative to .NET?

Is there a programming language suitable for building web applications, that is compiled, strongly-typed, and isn't ASP.NET? I thought of using Mono (, but I wonder if there are any other alternatives. (If the language and framework are open-source, that's a big plus!) ...

.NET Table Adapters: Get vs. Fill?

I always seem to use Get when working with data (strongly typed or otherwise) from the database and I have never really needed to use Fill although I just as easily could use Fill instead of get when pulling out and updating data. Can anyone provide guidance as to the implications and gotchas of each method? In what situations is it p...

Doesn't the ability to cast defeat the purpose of typed variables?

So, I'm working under the assumption that we have typed languages because we make a lot of mistakes... so typing is one way to have the compiler do a lot of checks for us and help us out a bit (please let me know if it is my assumptions that's incorrect). However, if we introduce casting to a typed language, don't we re-introduce most t...

What is a strongly typed dataset?

What is a strongly typed dataset? (.net) ...

Tips for using Visual Studio Typed DataSets?

When using strongly typed dataSets in Visual Studio 2005/2008, if the underlying database schema changes, the only practical way to refresh is to delete the dataset and recreate it from scratch. This is OK unless I need to customize the dataset. Customizing by extending the partial dataset class allows customizations to be retained, b...

My DLLs are strong named, but WSPBuilder reports they are not

WSPBuilder Version: Created by Carsten Keutmann GPL License 2007 Install and deploying [MYDLL] Unable to deploy solution Inner exception(1): This solution contains one or more assemblies targeted for the global assembly cache. You should use a strong name for any assembly that will be in the global assembly cache. ...

Enforce strong type checking in C (type strictness for typedefs)

Is there a way to enforce explicit cast for typedefs of the same type? I've to deal with utf8 and sometimes I get confused with the indices for the character count and the byte count. So it be nice to have some typedefs: typedef unsigned int char_idx_t; typedef unsigned int byte_idx_t; With the addition that you need an explicit cast...

comparing statically typed code with dynamically typed code - costs and benefits

Whatever its merits, Adobe's Actionscript 3 presents what may be a unique opportunity to explore the consequences of typed versus untyped languages, because it is pretty much a strict superset of javascript, with all the syntactic benefits/overhead of strict type declarations, declarative casting, etc. What this makes possible is compar...

Is C strongly typed?

To quote Wikipedia: Two commonly used languages that support many kinds of implicit conversion are C and C++, and it is sometimes claimed that these are weakly typed languages. However, others argue that these languages place enough restrictions on how operands of different types can be mixed, that the two should be r...

Does ASP.NET MVC RC has a strongly typed RedirectToAction method already?

Since I have decided to let RC go while staying with Beta for now, I have no way of knowing whether there has been some progress in this area. Who has tried it, are there strongly typed RedirectToAction and maybe ActionLink in RC? (I know there is some extra stuff in Futures assembly, but the question really refers to the main build). ...

How to read strongly typed objects from an app.config file manually

I have a dll that I want to read from a manually specified app.config file (the dll is an .net extension to a native com dll that is a Microsoft Management Console snap in, so there is no mmc.exe.config). I have been able to open the config file, read the relevant group and section to get the setting that I want. Like this: ExeConfig...

mvc no codebehind strongly typed viewdata headers not working

I add that to my header <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %> and am able to access ViewData and all its internals as well as all the mvc objects like url and html. As soon as I add "System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<app.Models.tTable>" I have no access to any mvc classes and helpe...

strongly-typed partial views MVC RC1

having a problem passing ViewData.Model to the partial views. It always is defaulting to null even if I equate it to a result query. I cannot access the strongly typed data because the Model is null. My current code is this, ViewPage <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <% Html.RenderPartia...

Polymorphism AND type safety in parallel inheritance chains

I have two parallel inheritance chains: Chain1: Animal <- Lion <- Gazelle Chain2: Food <- Meat <- Grass I want to implement the "Eats" polymorphic property on Animal. This is how it looks like: public abstract class Animal { public abstract Food Eats { get; set;} } public class Lion : Animal { public override F...

Is there any way to enforce typing on NSArray, NSMutableArray, etc.?

Can I make an NSMutableArray where all the elements are of type SomeClass? ...

How to demand strongly typed primitive values in XML

I am creating a XSD schema to represent a key-value pair list. I would like to restrict keys to string (that is easy) but the values are allowed to be any XSD simple types (datetime, string, int...). However, I do want the values in the xml instance documents to be strongly typed, i.e., it should be explicitly declared if a value is date...

How should I specify the type of JSON-like unstructured data in Scala?

I'm considering porting a very simple text-templating library to scala, mostly as an exercise in learning the language. The library is currently implemented in both Python and Javascript, and its basic operation more or less boils down to this (in python): template = CompiledTemplate('Text {spam} blah {eggs[1]}') data = { 'spam': 1, 'e...