
Is C strongly typed?

To quote Wikipedia: Two commonly used languages that support many kinds of implicit conversion are C and C++, and it is sometimes claimed that these are weakly typed languages. However, others argue that these languages place enough restrictions on how operands of different types can be mixed, that the two should be r...

(strongly vs weakly) typed AND (statically vs dynamically) typed languages and Moore's law

Hello all, I do not know how many faces this problem. If I do programming in weakly/dynamically typed language like python,php,javascript for few days I lose touch with strongly typed languages like c++,Java,.net. I recently heard languages like python and ruby which people loved programming in. It is very easy programming in weakly/dyn...

Why do programming language allow assignment from integer to shortint?

program TypeCategory; {$R+} var sInt : shortint; iInt : integer; begin readln(iInt); sInt := iInt; writeln(sInt); end. Considering the above example,pascal language do allow assignment from integer to shortint,or even longint to shortint without explict type casting.That is,pascal do allow assignment inside type cat...

Strongly-typed or weakly-typed binding in codebehind in front end?

So my question is more in relation to what people consider to be the best practice and why: I've been dropping literals into pages and repeaters and binding them in code behind for a while. Is this considered bad practice? ie: ASPX Page: <asp: Literal id="litTextToInsert" runat="Server" /> Code Behind: litTextToInsert.Text = objDat...

Is weak typing not necessary anymore?

I come from a statically/strongly typed language background (java), and I recently started to learn python and I think I see the value of dynamic/strongly typed language. Now I'm wondering whether weak typing can be ever desirable. Going through stackoverflow, I only found explanations that say it has performance benefits. Since th...