
What is the single best typing tutor for Linux? (Please only one program per answer)

After reading Steve Yegge's latest rant, I felt bad. What's the single best software for Linux to get me up to 100+ wpm? Please use good SO polling style and name one program per answer so to give others a chance to upvote instead of duplicating. ...

How to type faster

I've typed around 75wpm for the last few years but I've always wondered how people type +100wpm. I've searched but I primarily find typing tutors that teach you to type.. not teach you to type faster. So far the only tip I've come across is to learn dvorak. Are there exercises or tips to help break through the 75wpm wall? ...

Best Keyboard for High WPM

Typing fast is important to programmers. I've seen great programmers who instantly have an idea formed in their head of what they want a function to look like (or, for example, a class skeleton in Java). Then they spend a good amount of time just typing it in. This greatly decreases productivity, as your brain rather shuts off when you'r...

Increasing WPM - High End

We've had this question already, but I want to narrow it down to already high-speed typists. The original poster had hit a barrier of 75 WPM and wanted to increase his speed. I'm at a barrier where I can reliably type around 130, and I can sometimes hit 150, probably depending on the distribution of words in the text. I feel that met...

Do you use the home row?

When I was taught keyboarding in school, much emphasis was made on keeping your fingers centered on the 'home row', with your left hand on ASDF and your right hand on JKL; However, this placement was never comfortable for me so I continued to use the tried-and-true hunt-and-peck. Years later I'm able to type much faster and without looki...

Open-source Mavis Beacon alternatives?

Does anyone here know of any good open-source Mavis Beacon typing software alternatives? I would like to adapt one for a behavioural experiment I'm writing. Preferably .NET (but any language will do). I am aware of TuxType - are there others? Thanks a lot! ...

Typing on laptop, fingers hurting?

I'm coding from my bed over my laptop, and after about an hour of coding my fingers start to hurt. I am learning touch typing but it will still take a while. During this time what can I do to reduce the pain/improve the comfort of typing? ...

What tools do you recommend for becoming a better typist?

This was originally asked within Jeff Atwoods blog, Coding Horror, and we thought it would be interesting to compare the results of SO answers to his blog answers. So here is an excerpt of his blog entry to form the bulk of the question. What I'm trying to say is this: speed matters. When you're a fast, efficient typist, you spend le...

What is the preferred way to type-check variables in Python?

I have a Python function that takes a numeric argument that must be an integer in order for it behave correctly. What is the preferred way of verifying this in Python? My first reaction is to do something like this: def isInteger(n): return int(n) == n But I can't help thinking that this is 1) expensive 2) ugly and 3) subject to ...

Why Java, C# and C++ don't have ranges?

Ada, Pascal and many other languages support ranges, a way to subtype integers. A range is a signed integer value which ranges from a value (first) to another (last). It's easy to implement a class that does the same in OOP but I think that supporting the feature natively could let the compiler to do additional static checks. I know tha...

Is ruby strongly or weakly typed ?

Is ruby strongly or weakly typed ? Presumably the same is true for Javascript. ...

"Right Click" keyboard short cut for Visual Studio?

Argggg!, I'm trying to force myself to use as little mouse as possible and I can't find the answer to this simple short-cut anywhere! Here the the steps: Open up Visual Studio. Open any C# file (or any code file I believe) Point your mouse anywhere on the window/file. Right Click Is there a shortcut key for this so I don't have to m...

A way to always shift the number keys?

Is there a way / app / registry tweak, on Vista, to have the row of numbers above the keyboard to always be shifted? I am having little finger issues, so I would like to be using the numeric keypad for typing numbers, and not be constantly holding down the shift key for typing !"£$%^&*() ...

What does super strong typing bring to the table?

I'd like to understand the advantages of super-strong typing, a la SML or Scala, over conventionally strongly typed languages such as Java or c++. Could someone give a brief overview of the advantages of very strong typing, or better yet, post an example of an error which would be caught at compile time in very strongly typed language, ...

Changing a return type depending on the calling method

Basically what I want, istwo public methods with slightly different return values to call the same method to do whatever work is needed. They both return the return value of the private method, however the private method will know how to return the correct value depending on the public method that called it. Example methods: public Map...

How to minimize use of arrow keys when typing code?

When typing code, I would normally close brackets, go back inside, go outside, type semicolon, etc: I might start with (| is the caret): System.out.println()| Then go left: System.out.println(|) Then this: System.out.println(foo()|) Again backtracking a space: System.out.println(foo(|)) Typing quotes are similar: System.out...

Automatically closing braces in emacs?

Hi I've seen a plugin for Vim called AutoClose (discovered from this post) which automatically adds the closing brace when typing '(', '{' etc. For example; when I type the following ( | is the cursor): int main(| I would like the closing ) to be inserted automatically for me: int main(|) Does anyone know of a similar feature for...

Do any laser keyboards allow you to move around keys to your liking?

The lack of uniformity of the pgup print screen arrows etc is getting on my nerves. I am wondering if any of the laser keyboards would make me a more efficient keyboarder by allowing me to adjust those keys and make fewer mistakes in programs, emails, and administrative tasks. ...

C# "is" operator - is that reflection?

A colleague asked me an interesting question today - is the C# keyword/operator "is" considered reflection? object tmp = "a string"; if(tmp is String) { } How is this operator implemented behind the scenes? Does it require reflection or introspection? Or because of the strongly typed nature of the language, is the Type of the object ...

How to create an interface with additional methods in F#

I'm trying to create an interface that requires additional methods on top of IEvent, like this: type Varying<'t> = abstract member Get : unit -> 't abstract member Set : 't -> unit abstract member AddHandler : Handler<'t> -> unit abstract member RemoveHandler : Handler<'t> -> unit member v.Add(f) = v.AddHandler(new ...