
What are your feelings on functional specs? And Software design?

Does the functional spec help or hinder your expectations? Do programmers who practice the waterfall methodology, are they open to functional specs? I'm a web designer/developer working with a team of 5 programmers and would like to write a functional spec to explain what we need, so that when I begin my work - I know we are working towa...

Help! How to create a UI Tech Spec

Crap. I've been tasked to create a technical spec for a UI I am developing. This is my first real developer job, and after looking at the tech spec for the backend of the project, I feel a little in over my head. I can do mockups and wireframes till the cows come home, but I'm not really sure how to put all this information together. Do...

<cite> as part of semantic markup

One of the sites I develop has lots of information linked between each other; we have companies, we have products for those companies. The company page links to the page listing the products for that company, and vice versa. From the HTML spec: CITE: Contains a citation or a reference to other sources. Does this imply that I...

Generating Missing Spec Files for RSpec

Is there any command available for generating all missing spec files for existing models / controllers? I have a project that has several models that have been generated with out spec files. ...

Is the implementation of Auto Properties in the spec?

Can I rely on the fact that the underlying field to a property named Foo is called "k__BackingField" ? ...

distutils setup.py and %post %postun

Hi, I am newbie. I am buidling rpm package for my own app and decided to use distutils to do achieve it. I managed to create some substitue of %post by using advice from this website, which i really am thankfull for, but i am having problems with %postun. Let me describe what i have done. In setup.py i run command that creates symbolic ...

qmake: Test for current spec.

I would like to detect whether qmake is currently building using MingW (win32-gcc) or Visual Studio (win32-msvc200X). At the moment I am using the following construct: windows{ contains(QMAKE_CC, gcc){ # MingW } contains(QMAKE_CC, cl){ # Visual Studio } } This does not seem particularly robust. Is ther...

compliant formatted email

hi, i've been using php's pear Mail & Mail_Mime libraries to send well formatted html emails with/without attachments. some hosting companies don't have these libraries installed, and are reluctant to do so. so, i'm looking for a good technical source, tutorial, readable spec so i can write my own class using php's mail function... do...

Rails rspec set subdomain

Hi, I am using rSpec for testing my application. In my application controller I have a method like so: def set_current_account @current_account ||= Account.find_by_subdomain(request.subdomains.first) end Is it possible to set the request.subdomain in my spec? Maybe in the before block? I am new to rSpec so any advice on this wou...

Is there a RPM Spec section executed before file dependency check?

I'm trying to build an RPM that will install file dependencies if they don't exist. Is there an RPM Spec Section that will be executed before the RPM checks for dependencies. (I'm refering to file dependencies not package dependencies listed in the "Requires" header). Example: If I have a perl file and the execution permissions bit is s...

Installing an empty directory with RPM

In my install section of my rpm Spec file I have a bunch of mkdir's to create the directories I need. The ones that don't have any files installed in them get pruned out in the end and don't end up getting created. How can I ensure that the empty directories get created when it is all said and done? ...

how to define a rpm spec macro with empty body?

the problem is quite easy to exhibit: rpm --eval "%define xyz" error: Macro %xyz has empty body i want to get the patch_level and echo_dist may return sles11 or sles11sp1, for sle1s11 i just want the patch_level to be an empty string, but that leads to the empty body error. rpm --eval "%{expand: %%define patch_level %(echo_dist | sed...

rpm spec call uname -r

When I install my app, I would like to copy some files in /lib/modules/KERNEL_VERSION/extra. The problem of course is that KERNEL_VERSION is not fixed. I can find it by calling "uname -r", but how do I do this in a rpm spec file? Also, if there's a better method, I'm opened to ideas. ...

Rspec and rails: Problems while testing libraries in the lib directory

I have some classes in the lib directory, and I want to test it. My class which I want to test looks like: class StatAggregation class << self def skills_rate(user_id) user_id = User.find_by_id(user_id) ... end end end I created spec: require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') des...