
Python distutils - does anyone know how to use it?

Hello, I wrote a quick program in python to add a gtk GUI to a cli program. I was wondering how I can create an installer using distutils. Since it's just a GUI frontend for a command line app it only works in *nix anyway so I'm not worried about it being cross platform. my main goal is to create a .deb package for debian/ubuntu users,...

Finding a file in a Python module distribution

I've written a Python package that includes a bsddb database of pre-computed values for one of the more time-consuming computations. For simplicity, my setup script installs the database file in the same directory as the code which accesses the database (on Unix, something like /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mypackage/). How do I sto...

Can distutils create empty __init__.py files

If all my __init__.py files are empty, do I have to store them into version control, or is there a way to make distutils create empty __init__.py files during installation? ...

How can I add post-install scripts to easy_install / setuptools / distutils?

I would like to be able to add a hook to my setup.py that will be run post-install (either when easy_install'ing or when doing python setup.py install). In my project, PySmell, I have some support files for Vim and Emacs. When a user installs PySmell the usual way, these files get copied in the actual egg, and the user has to fish them ...

Python Distutils

I was unable to install cython due to strict version numbering class of Distutils. For example binutils-2.18.50-20080109-2.tar.gz cannot be used along with MinGW for installing cython. The source code documentation says that "The rationale for this version numbering system will be explained in the distutils documentation." I am unable to...

How do I install a Python extension module using distutils?

I'm working on a Python package named "lehmer" that includes a bunch of extension modules written in C. Currently, I have a single extension module, "rng". I am using Python's Distutils to build and install the module. I can compile and install the module, but when I try to import the module using import lehmer.rng or from lehmer import ...

Packaging a Python library

Hi I have a few Munin plugins which report stats from an Autonomy database. They all use a small library which scrapes the XML status output for the relevant numbers. I'm trying to bundle the library and plugins into a Puppet-installable RPM. The actual RPM-building should be straightforward; once I have a distutils-produced distfile I...

Python Daemon Packaging Best Practices

I have a tool which I have written in python and generally should be run as a daemon. What are the best practices for packaging this tool for distribution, particularly how should settings files and the daemon executable/script be handled? Relatedly are there any common tools for setting up the daemon for running on boot as appropriate...

Can I use VS2005 to build extensions for a Python system built with VS2003

RDFLib needs C extensions to be compiled to install on ActiveState Python 2.5; as far as I can tell, there's no binary installer anywhere obvious on the web. On attempting to install with python setup.py install, it produces the following message: error: Python was built with Visual Studio 2003; extensions must be built with a compiler...

How do I assign a version number for a Python package using SVN and distutils?

I'm writing a Python package. The package needs to know its version number internally, while also including this version in the setup.py script for distutils. What's the best way of doing this, so that the version number doesn't need to be maintained in two separate places? I don't want to import the setup.py script from the rest of m...

distutils: How to pass a user defined parameter to setup.py?

Hi, Please prompt me how to pass a user-defined parameter both from the command line and setup.cfg configuration file to distutils' setup.py script. I want to write a setup.py script, which accepts my package specific parameters. For example: python setup.py install -foo myfoo Thank you, Mher ...

Python distutils, how to get a compiler that is going to be used?

For example, I may use "python setup.py build --compiler=msvc" or "python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32"or just "python setup.py build", in which case the default compiler (say, "bcpp") will be used. How can I get the compiler name inside my setup.py (e. g. "msvc", "mingw32" and "bcpp", respectively)? UPD.: I don't need the default ...

How do I load entry-points for a defined set of eggs with Python setuptools?

I would like to use the entry point functionality in setuptools. There are a number of occasions where I would like to tightly control the list of eggs that are run, and thence the extensions that contribute to a set of entry points: egg integration testing, where I want to run multiple test suites on different combinations of eggs. s...

How can I get my setup.py to use a relative path to my files?

I'm trying to build a Python distribution with distutils. Unfortunately, my directory structure looks like this: /code /mypackage __init__.py file1.py file2.py /subpackage __init__.py /build setup.py Here's my setup.py file: from distutils.core import setup setup( nam...

How does setuptools decide which files to keep for sdist/bdist?

I'm working on a Python package that uses namespace_packages and find_packages() like so in setup.py: from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup(name="package", version="", package=find_packages(), namespace_packages=['package'], ...) It isn't in source control because it is a bundle of upstream components. T...

How to Make a PyMe (Python library) Run in Python 2.4 on Windows?

I want to run this library on Python 2.4 in Windows XP. I installed the pygpgme-0.8.1.win32.exe file but got this: >>> from pyme import core Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\pyme\core.py", line 22, in ? import pygpgme File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\pyme\p...

How do I install with distutils to a specific Python installation?

I have a Windows machine with Python 2.3, 2.6 and 3.0 installed and 2.5 installed with Cygwin. I've downloaded the pexpect package but when I run "python setup.py install" it installs to the 2.6 installation. How could I have it install to the Cygwin Python installation, or any other installation? ...

python distutils / setuptools: how to exclude a module, or honor svn:ignore flag

Hello, I have a python project, 'myproject', that contains several packages. one of those packages, 'myproject.settings', contains a module 'myproject.settings.local' that is excluded from version control via 'svn:ignore' property. I would like setuptools to ignore this file when making a bdist or bdist_egg target. I have experimented...

python distutils win32 version question

So you can use distutils to create a file, such as PIL-1.1.6.win32-py2.5.exe which you can run and use to easily install something. However, the installation requires user input to proceed (you have to click 'OK' three times). I want to create an easily installable windows version that you can just run as a cmd line program, that does...

Accessing data files before and after distutils/setuptools

I'm doing a platform independent PyQt application. I intend to use write a setup.py files using setuptools. So far I've managed to detech platform, e.g. load specific options for setup() depending on platform in order to use py2exe on Windows... etc... However, with my application I'm distributing some themes, HTML and images, I need to...