
Can distutils use a custom .def to expose extra symbols when it compiles a Windows .dll?

I'm abusing distutils to compile an extension module for Python, but rather than using the Python C API I'm using ctypes to talk to the resulting shared library. This works fine in Linux because it automatically exports all symbols in a shared library, but in Windows distutils provides a .def to export only the Python module init functi...

Controlling distutils from Scons

I have a C++ library that I build using Scons which is eventually linked into (among other things) a Python extension. Once I have built the library with scons, I have written a standard setup.py script which I call to build and install the extension. My main problem is that setup.py does not recognize when the library has been rebuilt...

Make distutils look for numpy header files in the correct place

In my installation, numpy's arrayobject.h is located at …/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/arrayobject.h. I wrote a trivial Cython script that uses numpy: cimport numpy as np def say_hello_to(name): print("Hello %s!" % name) I also have the following distutils setup.py (copied from the Cython user guide): from distutils.c...

Compiler options wrong with python setup.py

I'm trying to install matplotlib on my mac setup. I find that setup.py has inaccurate flags, in particular the isysroot points to an earlier SDK. Where does setup.py get its info and how can i fix it? I'm on MacOS 10.5.8, XCode 3.1.2 and Python 2.6 (default config was 2.5) ...

Distribute pre-compiled python extension module with distutils

Quick one today: I'm learning the in's and out's of Pythons distutils library, and I would like to include a python extension module (.pyd) with my package. I know of course that the recommended way is to have distutils compile the extension at the time the package is created, but this is a fairly complex extension spanning many source f...

Missing multiprocessing module when freezing Python code

Hi Guys, I'm using cx_Freeze to freeze my Python code so I can distribute it as executable on Windows systems. It works fine but it's missing a few modules. I use some open-source libraries in my project e.g. BeautifulSoup and Periscope. They use some libraries for backward compatibility which i don't need to include as Python 2.6 has t...

Which files to distribute using cx_Freeze?

I'm using cx_freeze to freeze a Python script for distribution to other windows systems. I did everything as instructed and cx_freeze generated a build\exe.win32-2.6 folder in the folder containing my sources. This directory now contains a a bunch of PYD files, a library.zip file, the python DLL file and the main executable. Which of th...

How can i bundle other files when using cx_freeze?

I'm using Python 2.6 and cx_Freeze 4.1.2 on a Windows system. I've created the setup.py to build my executable and everything works fine. When cx_Freeze runs it movies everything to the build directory. I have some other files that i would like included in my build directory. How can i do this? Here's my structure. src\ setup.py ...

Including a pyd directly in a setup.py file

I have a complex build process to generate a couple of python extension modules (.pyd). I want to include these in my setup.py for use with distutils. The distutils page talks in length about how to add extension modules from source, but I'd want to simply package these precompiled .pyd. What is the best practice to do this? Eventually,...

Using SCons as a build engine for distutils

I have a python package with some C code needed to build an extension (with some non-trivial building needs). I have used SCons as my build system because it's really good and flexible. I'm looking for a way to compile my python extensions with SCons ready to be distributed with distutils. I want that the user simply types setup.py inst...

setup.py adding options (aka setup.py --enable-feature )

I'm looking for a way to include some feature in a python (extension) module in installation phase. In a practical manner: I have a python library that has 2 implementations of the same function, one internal (slow) and one that depends from an external library (fast, in C). I want that this library is optional and can be activated at...

Distutils - Where Am I going wrong?

I wanted to learn how to create python packages, so I visited http://docs.python.org/distutils/index.html. For this exercise I'm using Python 2.6.2 on Windows XP. I followed along with the simple example and created a small test project: person/ setup.py person/ __init__.py person.py My person.py file is simp...

Having py2exe include my data files (like include_package_data)

I have a Python app which includes non-Python data files in some of its subpackages. I've been using the include_package_data option in my setup.py to include all these files automatically when making distributions. It works well. Now I'm starting to use py2exe. I expected it to see that I have include_package_data=True and to include a...

setting permissions of python module (python setup install)

I am configuring a distutils-based setup.py for a python module that is to be installed on a heterogeneous set of resources. Due to the heterogeneity, the location where the module is installed is not the same on each host however disutils picks the host-specific location. I find that the module is installed without o+rx permissions us...

How to compile OpenGL with a python C++ extension using distutils on Mac OSX?

When I try it I get: ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/cscalelib.so, 2): Symbol not found: _glBindFramebufferEXT Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/cscalelib.so Expected in: dynamic lookup I've tried a...

Is there a method to find out if a package is to be installed with distutils instead of setuptools?

I can look inside setup.py I suppose to see if it's a distutils package. But in the process of familiarizing myself with python package management I have noticed that there seems to be more than one way to do it. So: How can I check an unzipped packages directory or setup.py to see how to build it? EDIT: When I say 'build' I mean is ...

Directly call distutils' or setuptools' setup() function with command name/options, without parsing the command line?

I'd like to call Python's distutils' or setuptools' setup() function in a slightly unconventional way, but I'm not sure whether distutils is meant for this kind of usage. As an example, let's say I currently have a 'setup.py' file, which looks like this (lifted verbatim from the distutils docs--the setuptools usage is almost identical):...

Setuptools not passing arguments for entry_points

I'm using setuptools for a Python script I wrote After installing, I do: $ megazord -i input -d database -v xx-xx -w yy-yy Like I would if I was running it ./like_this However, I get: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/megazord", line 9, in <module> load_entry_point('megazord==1.0.0', 'console_scripts', '...

Why can't I include these data files in a Python distribution using distutils?

I'm writing a setup.py file for a Python project so that I can distribute it. The aim is to eventually create a .egg file, but I'm trying to get it to work first with distutils and a regular .zip. This is an eclipse pydev project and my file structure is something like this: ProjectName src somePackage module1.py ...

2 techniques for including files in a Python distribution: which is better?

I'm working on packaging a small Python project as a zip or egg file so that it can be distributed. I've come across 2 ways to include the project's config files, both of which seem to produce identical results. Method 1: Include this code in setup.py: from distutils.core import setup setup(name='ProjectName', version='1.0', ...