
opening an html file on localhost in xampp/apache 2.2 using subdirectories under htdocs

I'll try again with a new question, appreciate the help... I have a site directory for html (dreamweaver cs3) with lots of subdirectories that contain html files for a number of drop down menus. They work fine where they are. But, they all have menus that are javascript and could be kept in a separate file. So, I want to use Include. I ...

get path and filename of all files in a given dir and its subdirs using c++ (builder)

I was given this code a while back. I finally got around to testing it (with some changes to put the files in a different place)... void AddFiles(AnsiString path/*, TDataSet *DataSet*/) { TSearchRec sr; int f; f = FindFirst(path+"\\*.*", faAnyFile, sr); while( !f ) { if(sr.Attr & faDirectory) { if(sr.Name !...

.htaccess Redirect to script in subdirectory...

I need to have a .htaccess rewrite rule redirect to a script in the root of a subdirectory, but only for any files/directories in that sub directory... / /subdir/ /index.php /somedir/ /anotherdir/ For the structure above, I want anyone browsing to /subdir to go to /subdir/index.php, and anyone going to /subdir/somedir/ to /su...

Can I move the .git directory for a repo to it's parent directory?

I have two sub-directories each with a repo, thus : PPP/ |--ABC/ | |--.git/ | |--AAA/ | | BBB/ | | CCC/ | |--DEF/ | |--.git/ | |--DDD/ | |--EEE/ And would like to combine them into one repo, so, I would assume the directory structure would be like this: PPP/ |--.git/ |--ABC/ | |--AAA/ | |--BBB/...

Running files in a directory recursively using ruby.

I'm working on script right now which has to run each ruby script in a directory and its subfolders. e.g. run-all.rb - scripts - folder1 - script1.rb - script2.rb - folder2 - script3.rb - script4.rb As the server is a Windows server I would normally use a batch file but the head dev insists everything must be don...

(avr-gcc) Makefile support for sub-directories

Hi; I am working on an AVR project and have multiple folders containing my code. The makefile I am using is the "Standardized AVR Makefile Template" by Pat Deegan. It's capable of compiling every cpp file in every folder correctly and generate the right object (.o) files. However, the linker fails because it try to find to .o files i...

1 domain two separate applications.

Hi, I have: and is the main site, but there is a UK version of this site which ideally needs to be in a subdirectory (/uk). How do set IIS up to allow me to have multiple sites under one domain? Or can I have two separate sites and use ISAPI_rewrite to point to r...

In Unix, how do you remove everything in the current directory and below it?

I know this will delete everything in a subdirectory and below it: rm -rf <subdir-name> But how do you delete everything in the current directory as well as every subdirectory below it and the contents of all of those subdirectories? ...

Create dynamic subdirectories using htaccess and php

Every single time a user registers on my site I would like them to have their own subdirectory with their registered "username". Every user subdirectory will have the same "index.php" file which will do something. For example: "/users/username1/" and "/users/username2/" If some one wants to access the subdirectory they would simple go ...

Makefile in top level directory and sources in the subdirectories problem

I have a directory called "project". It contains two sub-directories called "client" and "server" and a makefile called "Makefile". client and server have got source files called "client.c" and "server.c" respectively. I dont have any separate makefiles in the subdirectories for sources belonging to that directory. All making is done by ...

Retrieving info of a very large directory

Hello, I hit Linux's 32,000 subdirectory limit. It caused problems with my PHP scripts and I don't want it to happen again. The simple solution is to have my PHP scripts check the current subdirectory count before trying to create another subdirectory. All ideas I've seen to perform such a check involve iterating over the entire dire...

How to remove .htaccess password protection from a subdirectory

I have password protected my entire website using .htaccess but I would like to expose one of the sub directories so that it can be viewed without a password. How can I disable htaccess password protection for a sub directory? Specifically what is the .htaccess syntax. Here is my .htaccess file that is placed in the root of my ftp Au...

website subdirectory - move up?

So for development purposes, we had our folder structure for our website something like this... web/testing/companyName/current/index.aspx. Web is the root folder. Now, we are about to get finished with the website, and I was wondering how should we move it up?! We have even hardcoded things like "../current/index.aspx" (for relative ...

Appending a txt file from multiple CSVs in subdirectories

Hi, I am trying to write a batch file which will append all *.csv files in the immediate subdirectories to a single text file in the current directory. From various sources I have managed to piece together this code which works fine for files in the current dir but not sub-dirs for %%a in (*.csv) do (type %%a >> csvreport.txt) If an...

Apache Config - Exclude Subdirectories

Is there a way to apply a rule to a single directory and not its subdirectories without using .htaccess files? I want /var/www/html to order by the Date desc. However, in the subdirectories, I don't want this rule applied. Right now, I have IndexOrderDefault Descending Date within the /var/www/html Directory tag. ...

How to list all subdirectories in a given directory in C?

Is there a way to list all subdirectories in a given directory path in C? I was hoping I would be able to do it with the stat() function but it only works on files. ...

Bash - Recursively Create Nonexistant Subdirectories

Hello all, I am creating a quick backup script that will dump some databases into a nice/neat directory structure and I realized that I need to test to make sure that the directories exist before I create them. The code I have works, but it seems that there is a better way to do it. Any suggestions? [ -d "$BACKUP_DIR" ] || mkdir "$BACK...

How do I append all files in current and subdirs as command arguments?

I have a directory like this: dir dir/somefile.txt dir/subdir/subsub/somefile2.txt dir/subdir2/somefile.txt and I want to open all the files in all the subdirectories in a single instance of a command. I was trying find with -exec, or xargs, but these open each file with a separate instance of a command. Basically, I want something t...

How do I get names of subdirectories of a directory purely in python ?

I dont want to use commands or any similar module that uses unix shell. Thanks in advance.. ...

Nmake - compiling all source files in all subfolders

I want to create a generic nmake file that can be used for multiple projects with minimal changes to the .mak file. I want it to compile all of the source files (c/cpp) in a folder as well as all of the source files in all subfolders. I'm not sure if it's possible to use wildcards for directory names or how I would iteratively traverse m...