I looked on MSDN, couldn't find it.
I found an XML Schema for the .vcproj file, which is nice.
But what I really want is an explanation for each of the elements in the vcproj file, a reference.
The immediate question in front of me is, what is the significance of the UniqueIdentifier attribute in the element VisualStudioProject/Files/Filter ? Is the UUID for source files the same across projects? Or is it unique globally?
Name="Source Files"
<File ... />
Name="Header Files"
<File ... />
Name="Resource Files"
<File ... />
But after I answer that one question I am sure I will have 10000 more. So I'd like a reference, that allows me to edit the .vcproj directly.
Can anyone suggest?
EDIT: Even if MS does not document it, each element does have a meaning. Does anyone know of a list or a summary?