



I am currently going though the process of learning C++ though reading programming books. I understand the concept but find a few days after reading, the concepts start to drift from my memory.

The only thing that keeps them there is working through examples/questions.

Are there any good sites or books that can be recommend which give a large number of examples/questions to work through, with explanations of what each example should help you learn?

+3  A: 

This site and this site may be worth looking for you.

+2  A: 

You're right. Reading books is not likely to help unless you practice what you learn.

You didn't say what kind of examples you need, and obviously it's important to choose examples which mean something to you - that is, applications which you can see the value of.

Can you suggest some topics which interest you? Like business applications or games, scientific or otherwise?

Business applications would be the main area of interest, I am especially interested in the application of Object Orientated programming to business.
Ah, business applications are not my area of expertise, so I should defer to the other excellent suggestions. I can only add ... choose the book wisely.
I believe it's best if the examples fit to the subjects taught -- which is why it's so important the books teaching come with good examples. But, yes, "Reading books is not likely to help unless you practice what you learn." +1
@RisingCascade: C++ is a multi-paradigm language and it's strongest where it mixes OO with generic programming, functional programming, and other fascinating techniques. If you mostly focus on OO, you'll miss a lot of where it shines. (I'd even say you miss the best, but that's debatable.)
+4  A: 

If your books don't give you tasks to chew on, get better books.

Look at those mentioned here.

Thanks sbi, I will get some of the books mentioned and see how my coding improves.