I have a friend that needs to compute the following:
In the complete graph Kn (k<=13), there are k*(k-1)/2 edges. Each edge can be directed in 2 ways, hence 2^[(k*(k-1))/2] different cases.
She needs to compute P[A !-> B && C !-> D] - P[A !-> B]*P[C !-> D]
X !-> Y means "there is no path from X to Y", and P[ ] is the probability.
So the bruteforce algorithm is to examine every one of the 2^[(k*(k-1))/2] different graphes, and since they are complete, in each graph one only needs to consider one set of A,B,C,D because of symmetry.
P[A !-> B] is then computed as "number of graphs with no path between node 1 and 2" divided by total number of graphs, i.e 2^[(k*(k-1))/2].
The bruteforce method works in mathematica up to K8, but she needs K9,K10... up to K13.
We obviously don't need to find the shortest path in the cases, just want to find if there is one.
Anyone have optimization suggestions? (This sound like a typical Project Euler problem).
The minimal graph K4 have 4 vertices, giving 6 edges. Hence there are 2^6 = 64 possible ways to assign directions to the edges, if we label the 4 vertices A,B,C and D.
In some graphs, there is NOT a path from A to B, (lets say X of them) and in some others, there are no path from C to D (lets say Y). But in some graphs, there is no path from A to B, and at the same time no path from C to D. These are W.
So P[A !-> B]=X/64
, P[C !-> D]=Y/64
and P[A !-> B && C !-> D] = W/64
- A, B,C and D are 4 different vertives, hence we need at least K4.
- Observe that we are dealing with DIRECTED graphs, so normal representation with UT-matrices won't suffice.
- There is a function in mathematica that finds the distance between nodes in a directed graph, (if it returns infinity, there is no path), but this is a little bit overkill since we dont need the distance, just if there is a path or not.