hi i want to create a php chat application this chat also include chat room is there any open source to fulfill this condition
Generally, chat rooms refer to live applications that don't require the user to make an entirely new page request. Because PHP is processed on the server side, we generally refer to PHP-based communication solutions as forums, because they require posting, rather than immediate updates.
With his link, marcgg is suggesting the use of an AJAX plugin on top of one of the preexisting open-source PHP-based forum back-ends, such as PhpBB or vBulletin. The concept of implementation is essentially them same: when a user makes a chat message, it gets stored to a database table. What the plugin does is allow a user to stay on a single page while a separate component within the browser makes requests via JavaScript to get updates to the thread (or in this case, 'room') that they are participating in.
With php, you will need to auto refresh the page at a regular interval. You will find other complications if you try to implement one yourself. You should expand your search outside of php to a languague which can implement direct connections. Maybe java ?
You may want to give Live Client a try (it's free):
.. although it's not clear if that is exactly what you are looking for.