I'm wondering what happens when I use a MKReverseGeocoderDelegate in my ViewController, but the application is running in 2.2.1. Because I'm supporting 2.2.1 but using 3.0 as Base SDK.
I have already added the framework as soft linking to support working on 2.2.1 and I understand I have to prepare the code to check if the MKReverseGeocoder class is available to do all the fancy work with the geocoder, but I just can't understand if the delegate will crash the application on 2.2.1 because it does not exist. This is how I check if the class exists:
// Try to found location
Class geocoderClass = NSClassFromString(@"MKReverseGeocoder");
if (geocoderClass != nil)
{ // Do my stuff here
But I have to declare in the header file to use the delegate for the geocodeClass. Im wondering how this works. Do i have to do anything else for preparing this code?
@interface MainViewController : UIViewController <FlipsideViewControllerDelegate, MKReverseGeocoderDelegate> {
// My declarations here
Thanks, Leonardo