I'm using awesome_nested_set for my central website structure. I want to be able to build a UL/LI based indexbar off of the nested set but also want it to take advantage of the low database intensiveness of nested set. When I was using acts_as_tree I had a recursive function that built the indexbar. It just called itself if it encountered any children etc... I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this with nested_set. I've come up with the following so far (untested):
def recursive_indexbar(parent, parameters)
return unless parameters.length == 1 && parameters.first.to_i > 0
maximum_level = parent.level + parameters.first
content_tag :ul do
parent.descendants.current.visible.front_end.recurse do |component_instance, block|
content_tag :li, :class => (@item.component_instance == component_instance) ? 'uber' : false do
unless component_instance.leaf?
content_tag :ul, block.call
Now it doesn't actually work because there is no recurse function in nested_set, I just picked that up from this link: http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/9678. See the last comment on the page.
There's also going to be facility for only going so many levels deep but that's easy to implement.
Can anyone give me any pointers?