Is there a built-in Delphi function which would convert a string such as '2*x+power(x,2)' or any equation to float? StrToFloat raises an exception because of the char X and power.
Is there a built-in Delphi function which would convert a string such as '2*x+power(x,2)' or any equation to float? StrToFloat raises an exception because of the char X and power.
No, it's impossible except of parsing string. And how can you convert unknown number x to float?
You are looking for something that can evaluate an expression.
Since Delphi is a compiled language, it does not have built-in support for that.
However, there are external tools that can help you with that.
For instance: the Free Pascal Scripting engine from RemObjects can do what you want.
Bestcode.com : TbcParser - the Math Parser for Delphi and C++ Builder version 3.5
The free JCL includes TEvaluator, a parser written by one of the current Delphi compiler engineers. It will likely be far more efficient than an expression evaluator based on Windows Script Host.
In our SMImport suite we wrote the own expression parser/evaluator which is based on original TFatExpression component by Gasper Kozak, [email protected]
Works very good.