



Hi everyone,

I'm actually struggling with some piece of code. I do know that it can be refactored, but I can't find the nice-smart-elegant solution.

Here are two functions (much more functions of that kind are in my code):

def fooA(param1, param2):
    if param2 == True:

    fooA_code  #uses only param1

    if param2 == True:

def fooB(param1, param2):
    if param2 == True:

    fooB_code  #uses only param1

    if param2 == True:

My first idea was to use this decorator:

def refactorMe(func):
    def wrapper(*args):
        if args[-1]:


        if args[-1]:

    return wrapper

And finally:

def fooA(param1, param2):
    fooA_code  #uses only param1

def fooB(param1, param2):
    fooB_code  #uses only param1

Unfortunately, I'm not happy with this solution:

  • This decorator is "intrusive" and specific to the fooA & fooB functions
  • param2 is not used anymore in the fooA & fooB body, but we must keep it in the function signature

Perhaps I'm not using the decorator for its initial purpose?

Is there any other way to refactor the code?

Thanks a lot!

+5  A: 

How about:

def call_one(func, param1, param2):
    if param2:


    if param2:

def _fooA(param1):
    fooA_code  #uses only param1

def _fooB(param1):
    fooB_code  #uses only param1

def fooA(param1, param2):
    call_one(_fooA, param1, param2)

def fooB(param1, param2):
    call_one(_fooB, param1, param2)
Ned Batchelder
I suspect code_chunk_1, code_chunk_2. fooA_code and fooB_code use shared variables (otherwise, it would be also as simple as creating def chunk1(), etc.); in this case, the proposed solution would not work because of different locals.
Roberto Liffredo
Since the OP complains that the decorator is ugly, not that it doesn't work, I suspect it does work. That means the code fragments don't share locals.
Ned Batchelder
+5  A: 

Since you try to enable some wrapper functionality iff the passed option is True, consider using keyword arguments. Here is a real-world example that will wrap your code in a (database-) transaction if requested:

def wrap_transaction(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        # If the option "use_transaction" is given, wrap the function in
        # a transaction.  Note that pop() will remove the parameter so
        # that it won't get passed to the wrapped function, that does not need
        # to know about its existance.
        use_transaction = kwargs.pop('use_transaction', False)

        if use_transaction:

            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
            if use_transaction:

        if use_transaction:

        return result

    return wrapper

def my_func(param):
    # Note that this function knows nothing about the 'use_transaction' parameter

# Usage: Explicitely enabling the transaction.
my_func(param, use_transaction=True)
Ferdinand Beyer
Excellent real-world example!
Mike Mazur
Thanks Ferdinand, I thought about this solution, and the problem for me was the uncomplete function signature. How could I make other developers aware that my_func can accept a use_transaction keyword argument?
Using documentation. If you have multiple similar functions using the same decorator for common functionality, you should possibly tell your users what these functions have in common and that all of the functions in the group do accept additional arguments.
Ferdinand Beyer
+1  A: 

I would do a straightforward extract method refactoring:

def _code_chunk_1(param):
    if param == True:

def _code_chunk_2(param):
    if param == True:

def fooA(param1, param2):

    fooA_code  #uses only param1


def fooB(param1, param2):

    fooB_code  #uses only param1


The decorator looks inappropriate to me in this context. Ned's answer above also looks nice.

Mike Mazur

I'm wondering if you're adding debugging code. Since param2 is not used in the function proper, maybe you want to move it into the decorator:

class debugging:
    def __init__(self, show): = show

    def __call__(self, f):
        def wrapper(*args):
                print "inside", f

            rv = f(*args)

                print "outside", f

            return rv

        return wrapper

def test(n):
    print n


will print

inside <function test at 0x7fb28ff102a8>
outside <function test at 0x7fb28ff102a8>
The problem with this solution, is that the param "show" is not evaluated during execution time.I want to call fooA("stuff", True) or fooA("stuff", False) anywhere I want
+2  A: 

What you are describing is a situation where you have some boilerplate, some behaviour, followed by some boiler plate. Essentially a situation where you could use a Higher Order Function (like map, reduce or filter).

You could do what Ned suggests (though, I'd use functools.partial rather than defining fooA/fooB longhand):

import functools


fooA = functools.partial(call_one, _fooA)
fooB = functools.partial(call_one, _fooB)

... but that effectively gets you back to the same place as with your decorator, introducing some clutter into the namespace along the way.

You could rewrite your decorator to allow functions that only take one parameter, but return functions that take two:

def refactorMe(func):
    def wrapper(parm1, parm2):
        if parm1:


        if parm2[-1]:

    return wrapper

Getting rid of the star magic is an improvement as this decorator is not general to all functions so we should be explicit about it. I like the fact that we change the number of parameters less as anyone looking at the code could easily be confused by the fact that when we call the function we are adding an extra parameter. Furthermore it just feels like decorators that change the signature of the function they decorate should be bad form.

In summary:

Decorators are higher order functions, and templating behaviour is precisely what they're for.

I would embrace the fact that this code is specific to your fooXXX functions, by making the decorator internal and having it take precisely the number of arguments needed (because foo(*args, **kwargs) signatures makes introspection a pain).

def _refactorMe(func):
        @functools.wraps(func) #the wraps decorator propagates name/docsting
        def wrapper(parm1, parm2):
            if parm1:

            func(parm1, parm2)

            if parm2:

        return wrapper

I'd leave the calls taking two parameters, even though one is unused just so that the decorator doesn't change the signature. This isn't strictly necessary as if you document the functions as they look after decoration and you are restricting the use of the decorator to this small set of functions then the fact that the signature changes shouldn't be that big a deal.

def fooB(param1, param2):
    fooB_code  #uses only param1

def fooB(param1, param2):
    fooB_code  #uses only param1
Aaron Maenpaa
Thank you Aaron for the summary and the thorough explanations!
Unfortunately, you assume that all the fooXXX have always 2 arguments, which is not always the case.
+1  A: 

I like Ferdinand Beyer's answer and I think we need examples like that to understand what we are talking about. I'm just goin to give two further inspirational suggestions.

Why not explicitly use transaction code?

def fooA(param1, use_transaction=param2):
    fooA_code  #uses only param1

def fooB(param1, use_transaction=param2):
    fooB_code  #uses only param1

Now with that written we understand that we should probably write this:

def fooA(param1, use_transaction=param2):
    with transaction(param2):
        fooA_code  #uses only param1

def fooB(param1, use_transaction=param2):
    with transaction(param2):
        fooB_code  #uses only param1

Using some context manager.

But wait! We can put that outside!

if you want this use:

with transactional():

for the not param2 case, simply call fooA(param1)

Last syntax suggestion, when param2 == true:

do_transaction(fooA, param1)

here we define

def do_transaction(func, *args):

Ok that was my stream of thoughts. Can you use a context manager? It is also hard to document, but somehow this wrapping process must be integral to your application, or if it's not, you could remove it.
Thank you so much for introducing me to the with statement!But I would like to keep the simplicity of one function with a parameter for the "enter/exit transaction"The last part (do_transaction) is similar to Ned's idea