



I have http connection code that does the typical InternetOpen -> InternetConnect -> HttpOpenRequest -> HttpSendRequest using wininet, which worked just fine on all the prior versions of windows , but win server r2 x64 what is happening is that everything else works just fine but the cookies aren't being accepted and returned on subsequent calls( I love wireshark) ( causing things to fail). So I've been starting at the various flags and options available to the 4 different calls, as well as InternetSetOption and InternetSetPerSiteCookieDecision. And I just haven't seemed to find a way to make 2008 server accept the cookies yet. The only catch is that I'm using a straight ip (say real ip) )and not something like

+1  A:

please check: "Privacy settings" and "Per site cookie handling"

nice! I also figured out that part of the issue is that unfortunatley wininet settings and internet explorer settings are somewhat unseparateable.. which means you can't temporarily over ride "Block All Cookies" ( without querying/ restoring settings) for just the session. So What I'm forced to do is use PrivacySetZonePreference to change the preference from block all to high ( and add the site I want as an allowed site). (however to add fun I happen to be running as local system which is where your link to check the registry settings comes in *real* handy.