I just recently moved a SQL DB from SQL2005 32 bit --> 64 bit. I am having an issue connecting to Oracle using the OraOLEDB.Oracle Provider.
I was able to install Oracle 10G Client , ODAC 64 bit. I was also able to add a linked server to the Oracle instance. I am able to run a query using the linked server name directly:
SELECT top 10 *
So far it is good, however, the problem occurs when I try to use OPENQUERY. I tried the following:
select * from
OPENQUERY(DB0PBB0,'select * from DB0PBB0.DM_CLICK where Date_stamp <''24-Jul-09'' and Date_stamp >= ''23-Jul-09'' ')
select * from
OPENQUERY(DB0PBB0,'select * from DB0PBB0.DM_CLICK where Date_stamp <''24-Jul-09'' and Date_stamp >= ''23-Jul-09'' ')
and I get only the column names, no rows :(
if I run this script:
select * from
OPENQUERY(DB0PBB0,'select ''hello'' from dual ')
I get
My question is, has anyone tried running OPENQUERY against Oracle from a SQL05 64bit ? Any ?Idea why would I get only columns back instead of data? I tried the same query on another server with the same link and it worked, it returned rows.