




Is there a way to define circular references without using pointers?

I need to have somthing like this:

struct A;
struct B {
    A a;

struct A {
    B b;


+10  A: 

You can use references instead

struct A;
struct B {
  A& a;

struct A {
  B b;

But no it's not possible to create a circular reference without some level of indirection. What your sample is doing is not even creating a circular reference, it's attempting to create a recursive definition. The result would be a structure of infinite size and hence not legal.

How could this work? If I remember correctly, the address value of a reference can't be modified once set, so you can't define a circular reference.
John Millikin
@John, truthfully I'm not sure. The OP though asked if it was possible to define one. This definition is legal and compiles (VS2008 SP1).
The constructor for B would take a reference to an A, and the constructor for A would initialize its B member with *this.
Mark Ransom
You may do the following to use them: `struct { B b; A a; } c = { { a }, { b } };`
Johannes Schaub - litb
+13  A: 

No, there's not. Such structure would have infinite size.

You can use smart pointers (shared_ptr and weak_ptr) to avoid direct pointer manipulation, but that's about it.

Filip Navara
+6  A: 

How could this work? If I remember correctly, the address value of a reference can't be modified once set, so you can't define a circular reference.

It could work like the following (same as Jared's example plus constructors defined):

struct A;

struct B {
  A& m_a;
  B(A& a) : m_a(a) {}

struct A {
  B m_b;
  //construct B m_b member using a reference to self
  A() : m_b(*this) {}
  //construct B m_b member using a reference to other
  A(A& other) : m_b(other) {}

In C++, T o means "an object of type T, not a reference to some T (as, for example, with reference types in C# and Java). With the code from your question, type A would have a sub object of type B (named b), and that B in turn would have a sub object of type A (named a). Now, that a would in turn have another A inside (again called a), which then has another B, which...

No, this will not work.

What you probably want is that an A referres to a B, which in turn referres that A. This can be done using pointers:

struct A;
struct B {
    A* a;

struct A {
    B* b;
    A(B* b_) : b(b_)  { if(b) b.a = this; }

B::B(A* a_) : : a(a_) { if(a) a.b = this; }

I don't think it can be done using references.
