



I'm creating a report generator in Cocoa, and I need to produce convenient date ranges such as "Today", "This Week", "This Month", "This Year", etc.

Is there a good way to do this? Here is my skeleton thus far:

@interface DateRange : NSObject
    NSDate startDate;
    NSDate endDate;

@property (assign) NSDate * startDate;
@property (assign) NSDate * endDate;

+ (DateRange *)rangeForDayContainingDate:(NSDate *)date;
+ (DateRange *)rangeForWeekContainingDate:(NSDate *)date;
+ (DateRange *)rangeForMonthContainingDate:(NSDate *)date;
+ (DateRange *)rangeForYearContainingDate:(NSDate *)date;


Some example use cases would be as follows:

DateRange * thisWeek = [DateRange rangeForDayContainingDate:[NSDate date]];
DateRange * thisYear = [DateRange rangeForYearContainingDate:[NSDate date]];

Essentially, I want the returned DateRange object to contain the start and end dates for the week, month or year surrounding the target date. For example (in pseudocode):

NSDate * today = [August 25, 2009];
DateRange * thisWeek = [DateRange rangeForWeekContainingDate:today];
assert(thisWeek.startDate == [August 23, 3009]);
assert(thisWeek.endDate == [August 29, 3009]);


I was able to get this working thanks to the answer provided by Kendall Helmstetter Geln. Here is the complete method for a one-week range:

+ (DateRange *)rangeForWeekContainingDate:(NSDate *)date
    DateRange * range = [[self alloc] init];

    // start of the week
    NSDate * firstDay;
    [[self calendar] rangeOfUnit:NSWeekCalendarUnit
    [range setStartDate:firstDay];

    // end of the week
    NSDateComponents * oneWeek = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
    [oneWeek setWeek:1];
    [range setEndDate:[[self calendar] dateByAddingComponents:oneWeek
    [oneWeek release];

    return [range autorelease];
+2  A: 

Well since timeInterval is in seconds, just do the math to figure out how many seconds are in a day:

60 seconds * 60 minutes * 24 hours = 1 day.

Then in your rangeForDayContainingDate method you could extract date components, get the current day, create a new date based on the day with hours and minutes set to 0:00, and the create the end date adding the time interval as calculated above.

Kendall Helmstetter Gelner
+1 That looks promising. Date components might be exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you, sir! Your answer pointed me in the right direction. I have posted the full solution for a single-week range as an edit to the original question.
You're welcome, please feel free to mark your own answer as the actual solution instead of my rough directions... I'll not be offended.
Kendall Helmstetter Gelner
+2  A: 

For the sake of completeness, here is my final solution (with thanks to Kendall Helmstetter Geln and jbrennan):

+ (NSCalendar *)calendar
    NSCalendar * gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc]
    return [gregorian autorelease];


+ (NSDateComponents *)singleComponentOfUnit:(NSCalendarUnit)unit
    NSDateComponents * component = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];

    switch (unit)
        case NSDayCalendarUnit: [component setDay:1]; break;
        case NSWeekCalendarUnit: [component setWeek:1]; break;
        case NSMonthCalendarUnit: [component setMonth:1]; break;
        case NSYearCalendarUnit: [component setYear:1]; break;

    return [component autorelease];


+ (WM_DateRange *)rangeForUnit:(NSCalendarUnit)unit
               surroundingDate:(NSDate *)date
    WM_DateRange * range = [[self alloc] init];

    // start of the period
    NSDate * firstDay;
    [[self calendar] rangeOfUnit:unit
    [range setStartDate:firstDay];

    // end of the period
    [range setEndDate:[[self calendar]
        dateByAddingComponents:[self singleComponentOfUnit:unit]

    return [range autorelease];


+ (WM_DateRange *)rangeForDayContainingDate:(NSDate *)date
{ return [self rangeForUnit:NSDayCalendarUnit surroundingDate:date]; }

+ (WM_DateRange *)rangeForWeekContainingDate:(NSDate *)date
{ return [self rangeForUnit:NSWeekCalendarUnit surroundingDate:date]; }

+ (WM_DateRange *)rangeForMonthContainingDate:(NSDate *)date
{ return [self rangeForUnit:NSMonthCalendarUnit surroundingDate:date]; }

+ (WM_DateRange *)rangeForYearContainingDate:(NSDate *)date
{ return [self rangeForUnit:NSYearCalendarUnit surroundingDate:date]; }