



I have a directory on my website the has two trailing spaces (automatically created) and now I need to rename it to the same name with out the spaces.

For example: ren "BON N ALL " "BON N ALL"

But I keep getting;
ftp> ren "BON N ALL " "BON N ALL"
550 BON N ALL : The system cannot find the file specified.

I've tried using wildcards like;

ftp> ren "BON N ALL??" "BON N ALL"
550 BON N ALL??: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

ftp> ren "BON N ALL" "BON N ALL"
550 BON N ALL: The system cannot find the file specified.

ftp> ren "BON N ALL*" "BON N ALL"
550 BON N ALL*: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

This is on a windows system with IIS. Any help would be appreciated.


I try to do it with the ftp client included with windows XP with the same results, however, with the filezilla client I had no problem to rename it. Filezilla client use the RNFR and RNTO to rename the files successfully, but the windows comand line ftp client do not have this commands. I recomend you to change your ftp client.

Good luck.

Thanks Jonathan. I was unable to rename it using Filezilla. In the end I had to get the admins from my hosting provider to logon to the server and change it from a command line using the technique from this KB article
Mark Milbourne
The Windows FTP client does use RNFR and RNTO commands. Those are the only FTP commands available for renaming items. The "ren" command uses RNFR/RNTO internally, which you can verify with any packet sniffer. Do not get confused by the fact that the Windows FTP client lets the user type in DOS-style commands. They are translated into actual FTP commands transparently.
Remy Lebeau - TeamB