I'm using astyle which is great for applying standard style to existing code. However I've noticed that when it comes across this:
ostringstream myStream;
myStream << 1
<< 2;
it reformats to this:
ostringstream myStream;
myStream << 1
<< 2;
Here's my options file: (version 1.23)
--indent=spaces --brackets=break --indent-switches --indent-namespaces --min-conditional-indent=4 --break-closing-brackets --pad-paren-in --unpad-paren --convert-tabs
Is there any way to make it line up the "<<" on the next line?
I also tried version 1.22 with the following file (test.cpp):
void main()
ostringstream myStream;
myStream << 1
<< 2;
with the following options (format.txt):
and the following command line:
astyle --options=format.txt test.cpp
which produced this:
void main()
ostringstream myStream;
myStream << 1
<< 2;